Saturday, January 31, 2009

Beautiful day and more cuttings

Stuck a few more cuttings from the limbs I brought home from NG ~ Burford holly and a white China rose called Ducher 1869 that has a fruity fragrance the tag said.  These are from the plants we practiced on during the last day of training, learning how to diagnose a plant's problems and care for it.

I also stuck some from other plants I have ~ Bridal Wreath spirea, purple honeysuckle, and yellow honeysuckle (I need to photograph that one when it blooms and get a positive ID on it).  Just a handful of cuttings of each of those last ones, enough to fill out the tray of holly and roses.


I HAVE SPROUTS!!!  WOOHOO!!  Beefsteak tomatoes (from seed packed for this year), Fox cherry tomatoes (from old seed from Seeds of Change), white hibiscus and artichokes (from Pinetree this year) all have sprouted!!  Just one of the artichokes is starting to poke through the soil, but that means more aren't very far behind.  

Weather today: sunny and warm (82 the thermometer on the porch table says), soil temp in one of the wine barrels next to the raised beds under the peace sign is 48 degrees.

Monday, January 26, 2009

More seed starting and job starting

Planted Green Globe Improved artichoke and regular Castor Bean seeds a couple days ago, but didn't water them in 'til today.  

And I start training at the Natural Gardener tomorrow.  I'm nervous, but excited at the same time.  I should listen to what Lesley said ~ that I'll fit right in, so no need to be nervous.  I know she was nervous when she started, but later said she shouldn't have been because once she'd been there a bit she found out there wasn't anything to be nervous about.  I'll just keep thinking about that.  I hope I can sleep tonight.  

Kelly and I went to the Sunset Valley Farmers' Market Saturday and I bought some WONDERFUL mozarella cheese from Full Quiver Farm.  Gawd, it was good.  Five bucks for half a pound, but worth every single penny.  I should have bought two pounds ~ that little bit I got lasted not quite two days. ;)  I also bought some Bright Lights swiss chard, Cheddar cauliflower and Violet cauliflower.  I can't wait to try them.  I steamed some of the Cheddar tonight and think I'll bring it to work with me tomorrow, along with some venison chili I made tonight from some chili meat Sausage Dave brought me.  

Man, I can't wait until the next couple weeks pass.  By that time, I'll be in the swing of things at my new job and can quit worrying about stupid shit that probably won't ever come to pass.  

Friday, January 23, 2009

My dream job!

Started my dream job yesterday, working for John Dromgoole at the Natural Gardener in Austin.  It was really just five hours of orientation, but I loved it.  They take their time explaining all the ins and outs of the job ~ what they expect of us, what we'll get out of the job (above and beyond a paycheck), their philosophy (John gave a long talk about why he started TNG and why he does what he does ~ I like knowing that), etc.  And they start everyone off with four days of training.  I like that a lot more than other jobs I've had where they just point in the general direction of things and say, "Go to it."  With training, I'll know exactly what they expect me to do, how they want me to do my job, and will likely learn a lot to boot, and that makes me a lot less nervous about it.  

I should start regular work in the beginning of February.  I'm really looking forward to it in no small part because I'll get to spend more time with Lesley driving to and from work.  She's such a kind soul, loving and giving and humble as well (almost to a fault on that one).  Rick is a jewel, too ~ same kind soul and fun spirit.  I got to see Lesley a few times yesterday in passing, and she rode home with me so we were able to visit a good bit.  Nice side bennie of this job.  We've known each other for about 18 years, but things have always gotten in the way of us getting closer.  I hope we can now.

My Pinetree order came in yesterday, too.  LOADS of seeds ~ WOOHOO!  The tuber/corm/root things will ship later in spring, but I don't mind ~ I'll have my hands full starting all these seeds, so will be plenty busy 'til then.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Started some cuttings today

President Barack Obama!!!!!!!!  God, it feels good to say that.  I've been sitting here all day watching the festivities, awestruck by thoughts of comparing our celebratory change of power to some other countries', feeling so incredibly lucky to live here, and hoping that President Obama will make the world a better place so everyone worldwide will be as lucky as me.  

I did take a break to start some rosemary cuttings, 144 of them.  It's the standard variety from the bush to the east of my double gate next to the peace sign.

I also took some pictures of the things I started last week.

Cuttings ~ golden sage, thyme, silver artemesia (the one from the library, north bed), prostrate rosemary and oregano.

Seeds ~ In the black plug trays are Beefsteak tomatoes (American Seed, packed for '08), Texas Wild Tomatoes (my own saved seed from years ago, maybe five or more years ago), California Wonder Bell Pepper (American Seed, packed for 2000) and Fox Cherry Tomato (Seeds of Change, packed for 2004).  They're not sprouted yet ~ the green things are rosemary leaves from the cuttings I did.

In the pots to the right are two pots of chives, one pot of garlic chives and one pot of old pansy seeds. 

I'm experimenting with starting old seed in an effort to get my seed boxes cleaned out.  I just can't bear to simply throw out old seeds.  Wish I could since I have a LOT of them.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Move along. Nothing to see here.

It irks me when people say that.  Don't know why.  But (there's always one, isn't there?) in this case it really applies.  This post isn't anything but a template for future blog posts.

What's the weather like?

What did I plant/transplant/sow/trim/stick/harvest?
