What a wonderful day! I woke up at 7:30 to a wet porch. Not much more rain than that, but it was still nice to see. All day it's been overcast and cold. I love days like this. Apparently, so do the guineas ~ I let them and the chickens out this morning and the guineas haven't shut up yet. This is the third day that they've been let out and each day they've done the same thing ~ yak, yak, yak! I think they want to make sure I know they love it.

I also potted up the Jerusalem artichokes I got in the mail the other day. They needed it since they were sprouting leaves already. But I'm not quite ready to plant them. I'm thinking I'll grow them in large pots like the potatoes, but don't have enough soil yet (need to get some from work).
Also, I'm reading on the G-Web about potato bins ~ wooden frames that can be taken apart to harvest the potatoes. I'm hoping to get a few pointers about growing potatoes in containers. Need to do research on the organic-ness of tires as well before I use those.
While in the greenhouse, I checked on the cuttings and seeds. Man! I LOVE castor beans! Just look at them!

How cool are they?! Planting them is almost like instant gratification they sprout so fast. I really think I'm going to like them.
Other things sprouting ~ Bughatti lettuce, Red Shield hibiscus (I was worried about them, if I'd soaked them too long, and it seems it was warranted ~ only one's sprouted so far :( ), Luna Pink hibiscus and Welsh onions. And just look at the artichokes, too! They're in the upper right, just to the left of the green quart pot there (with Welsh Onions in it). Greengreengreen!
One thing that sucks though ~ ants have moved in to the seed tray I have on the warming table. Bummer. Oh, well ~ just have to break out the cayenne pepper. They'll be gone in a few days.

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