Man, did I ever get a lot done today! I started by planting some peppers and herbs in one of the raised beds by the peace sign. They all came from work, all save one were frost damaged or otherwise unfit to sell. I put a basil plant in the north end then, clockwise from that, I planted an eggplant (unknown variety), two Senorita jalapenos, a Hot Cherry, a Hot Banana, a Tabasco, an unknown pepper, a Fooled You jalapeno, another Senorita jalapeno, and another unknown eggplant. In between I put a catnip plant towards the south end and a Jim's Best oregano towards the north (that was the only plant I purchased). I'm hoping those two will spread out and act as a living mulch for the peppers.

I was out there, I noticed that the potatoes were looking good, atleast one pot was. I'm not sure which one those are. I'm actually not sure what either of the two types are ~ I need to ask David again. The second variety is coming up, but not as vigorously as the first one. I think I let them get a little too dried out before planting, plus the second ones weren't sprouting green from the eyes before I planted them.

I also noticed that the herbs were doing fairly well, recovering from the winter nicely. In that pot are Golden sage French thyme, English thyme and Greek oregano. They're all nicely spreading and filling out the pot.

Next up, I put the new hose on the backhoe and got that fixed. Billy came over and helped me move the chicken tractor over so I could till that plot and the one next to it. I put the tiller on the tractor and did it to it. It looks great! I also tilled about a quarter of the stud pen plot. There's some bermuda growing in the middle of it and a few other small patches elsewhere, so I won't till those areas until I get rid of it.

Lastly, I planted those agaves Kelly and Billy gave me. I think they'll look nice out front oneither side of the driveway, especially once they get big. I think I'll put a rosemary bush on the left side to match the one on the right.
And some lantanas would look nice.
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