I tried to do closer spacing on everything, ala square foot gardening. I also interplanted some things, like winter squashes under okra and tomatoes, to see if they'll act as a living mulch. I hope I gave everything enough room. I'm bad at not doing that and ending up with crowded walkways.
I do have the fence and the chicken tractor as vertical garden space, so maybe there will be enough room. I put the spaghetti squash against the tractor thinking it'll give the chooks some shade. I can't wait to see how that turns out.
I left the third row from the left unplanted, along with the right front row, to use those in the video shoot on how to plant seeds. I've talked to so many customers at work who don't know how to. Some are hesitant (or are downright afraid), some have done it without success (planted too deep, let them dry out while germinating, etc.). And some have just never thought about doing it, thinking they'd just buy starts of squash, watermelon and cukes, not knowing those things don't much like being transplanted or that it's just so easy to plant them from seed. So we figured that'd be a good subject for an entire episode.
Soil temp was 75F Friday. And here's the list:
Beans ~
Purple Queen Bush
Kentucky Wonder Pole
Yard Long
Purple Queen Bush
Kentucky Wonder Pole
Yard Long
Cowpeas ~
Texas Cream 40
Limas ~
King of the Garden Pole
Squash ~
Winter ~
Vegetable Spaghetti
Early Butternut
Cream of the Crop Acorn
Musquee de Provence
Long Island Cheese
Baby Blue Hubbard
Summer ~
Vegetable Marrow
Golden Zucchini
Black Zucchini
Ronde de Nice
Okra ~
Annie Oakley
Melons ~
Blacktail Mountain Watermelon
Minnesota Midget Cataloupe
Cucumbers ~
Peppers ~
Mulato Isleno
Giant Marconi
Tomatoes ~
Garden Peach
Mortgage Lifter
Matt's WildCherry
Arkansas Traveler
Red Pear
Principe Borghese
Yellow Pear
Pruden's Purple
I'll post a link here once I get all this on my PlanGarden.com map.
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